Armagh Tickets for Ulster Final

Killeavy GAC were allocated 114 tickets for the Senior Mens Ulster Final by the Armagh County Board. At the time of writing, we have received applications for 638 tickets from our members via this form:

A chairde,


Further to discussions with the county board this morning, it is clear we will not receive anywhere near the additional tickets required to meet our member’s demand. The demand across the county has been phenomenal.

There are clear reasons for this:

  • Armagh have not reached a provincial final in 15 years
  • Clones is limited to an attendance of 28k
  • The Armagh board received less than 50% of 28k tickets from Ulster GAA, which they have distributed equally among clubs.
  • At the recent Down v Armagh game, we had close to 16k Armagh supporters in attendance, permitted only by Down supporters not travelling in the same numbers.


At a push, based on potential tickets not claimed by fellow Armagh Clubs, we may get close to 200 tickets in total, with the excess over our iniƟal allocaƟon likely to be hill/standing tickets. Therefore, we will stop accepting ticket requests on the Google Form from 3pm today. I know we are going to have over 450 disappointed members, for which we apologise. To be as transparent as possible with the tickets we have secured, the club Executive will meet this evening to agree on clear criteria on how we will distribute the tickets we have. We will update you in due course on what is agreed.


Le meas,

Brian McArdle Secretary

By maeveoneill Thu 4th May